I have an eye for detail; I love working with technology, and investigating tissues under the microscope captures my curiosity to no end. This is why, when a recent opportunity to use a scanning electron microscope came by, I jumped at it. I'm now deeply involved in conducting ultra-microscopic tissue analysis for various projects in the pathology department at the University of XXXX.
Perhaps it was the thrill and mystery of seeing the invisible side of life that made histology, pathology, and microbiology my pet subjects in medical school. I was first introduced to pathology during group sessions, when I learned to correlate the clinical significance of the pink and purple details under the lens. Academic anatomic dissections were interesting, but it was the autopsies that excited me more with all their investigative and deductive suspense. Even as clinical rotations began, I found myself more fascinated by the pathophysiology of the disease more than patient care. The first frozen section that I diagnosed, a basal cell carcinoma, got me very excited when the details matched precisely with that in the textbook! My aptitude for more information also won me the first prize in a histology quiz at my medical school.
I consider myself unique in my ability with statistical analysis of data and conducting research studies. Knowing very well that medicine is essentially an evidence-based science and that the skills could improve my research efficacy, I decided to embark on training myself in research epidemiology before climbing the ladders of graduate medicine. Hence, I secured a scholarship at the prestigious Masters in Public Health program at the University of XXXX in the United States, to learn epidemiology, statistics, and their applicability in research and public health.
Keeping in touch with pathology, I observed in the pathology department at the University of XXXX with Dr. XXXX. I enjoyed attending slide readouts, making frozen sections, surgical pathology dissections, and assisting autopsies. I can now quickly identify common conditions like melanomas, actinic keratoses, hyperplastic colonic polyps, breast cancers, and thyroid tumors. My current research involves electronic microscopic studies of XXXX.
Residency and Career Goals: My career targets are to achieve the following goals during the pathology residency program: 1. Diagnostic expertise, 2. Exposure to advanced cytopathology and 3. Opportunities in using statistical skills in research projects. I feel a personal connection to learning more about oncologic and surgical pathology after losing two dear relatives to cancer in the recent past. Ten years from now, I picture myself working in an academic setting with the flexibility to practice pathology and applied research in a subspecialty of my choice.
Why me and why your Program: I spent time perusing your website. What attracted me most about your program was the broad scope of training and technology, ample research and fellowship opportunities, and an accomplished faculty. I am particularly buoyed by your program exposing residents to the new areas in pathology, such as molecular biology, microarrays, and advanced laboratory information systems. My diverse background, pleasant persona, a technical mindset, and plenty of disciplined patience will be an asset to your research-oriented program.
The beauty of pathology lies in the rejuvenating academic connection it gives me with basic medical sciences and the satisfaction of serving people in a manner that I can do best. On interviewing me, you will be convinced that pathology suits my career goals, working style, and personality. I hope I am considered a deserving candidate.